Friday, April 22, 2011



If recognizing ones flaws and accepting them is a virtue, then, so, is recognizing and accepting ones talents. Unless we do the former, we can never avoid repeating the same mistakes or stagnating and not growing. Unless we do the latter, we can never use our talents and fits for the benefits and growth of others. The corollary to that, our own benefit and growth, will never be fully realized.

Oh, we will receive gratification, temporary pleasures, perhaps even notoriety or fame and financial reward if we keep our “gifts” for ourselves alone. We will not, however, achieve the full value that those gifts would and could bring us if we shared them unconditionally, selflessly. At least that is what I read and am told from many different sources.

What we receive when we share is worth exploring. Perhaps this is related to the idea of emptying a vessel in order to make room for new or fresh or better to be poured into it. If that is so, then  the process begs the questions, “Who does the refilling?...From where does that with which we are enriched or replenished come?”

One might answer, “God and His Graces or Nature or the Universe.” Another might answer, “Bullshit! It’s all bullshit of the highest order and nothing more than mental masturbation.” It would appear then that it, they, the answers, the beliefs, the processes which we choose, all boil down to “FAITH,” that which we believe. There is no proof, save anecdotal evidence. There is no X + Z = Y or E = MC2, or however that is written and typeset or…

Maybe there is proof. We plant a seed and a tree or other kind of plant grows from it. We do something and we get an effect. That seems to be proven scientifically in all areas of life. Cause produces and effect and effects are caused by actions of some kind. The manner in which we do something, the attitude with which we approach and execute it, the intent, all dictate the quality of the result and how close it is to that for which we had hoped.

It seems that the ides of sharing with others benefiting the self is more than just a faith-based idea. Since cause and effect is a real phenomenon, applicable to all areas of life. Well, then it seems logical to posit that we get in return, proportion and manner to what we do,  why we do it and how we do whatever "it" happens to be.

I am sure that there are gaps in that thinking that others can and will point out. I’m grateful to them if they do. It saves me the trouble of thinking, writing and editing more. I certainly hope that this blog entry causes some good effects, and, if it doesn’t, then, I guess that I only have myself to blame. That, however, brings us to the proposition of our accepting responsibility for what we do or don’t do. That, equally however, is another entry at another time and perhaps another place.

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