Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cause and Effect Denied.

The validity of the theory of "Cause and Effect" has certainly been adequately proven scientifically. Also, in our everyday lives we are confronted with its truth time and time again, very personally. Eat too much or the wrong things, we get fat. Drink too much, we get drunk and have hangovers. Work hard and well, we get feelings of fulfillment. Lift weight the wrong way and we get an injury. The list can go on and on.

So, I am stricken dumbfounded lately by the anti-politician E-mails that I have been getting. Let me be more explicit, by the anti-politician E-mails I have been getting lately from those whom I know were devout pro- these same politicians. If they didn't vote them or those like them into office the last two elections, "I'll eat my hat!" The E'ers were too anti-Obama and definitely too anti any of the ideas and programs that he espouses and supports not to have voted for those opposing him.

I think that it is safe to assume that they voted for those very same politicians whom they now vilify and fear. Maybe I should have said "fear and by whom they feel betrayed." These E-mail forwarders are or were labor union workers for the most part. Most of them are now retired. Many of them were public employees. They have a right to feel threatened by those whom they elected.

The E'ers are upset because those for whom they voted are now trying to "screw" them. Those rabidly anti-Obama, anti-Black, anti-N(^$_&! voters helped elect these people into office. Now, those same elected officials want to take away their right to collective bargaining, bust their unions, continue to stop paying into public employee pensions and call seniors, whom many of these voters are, the "greediest bunch of people..."

I can't imagine what other effect those voters could have expected to happen from the cause know as "their vote," the election of the non-Obamas, the non-N(Y#*@)s. Effects are produced by causes.  Elect a certain type of politician who adheres to a certain philosophy, and the effect will be what we are seeing now in our governments and what these E'ers who voted for them are complaining about.

Enough voters used party loyalty, biased reasoning and in some cases real ignorance to vote those politicians or their ilk into office. These voters turned the election into a game between two teams, "us" and "them...All that's important is our winning." The results are now what they are.

We do whatever to ourselves. We cause our own effects, our own futures our own worries and failures in many, many ways. I certainly have and continue to do so.  Damn it!

I wonder where those disappointed voters stand on that other very sound scientific theory, "Evolution"?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lou,
    Electing politicians to office is much like playing your favorite numbers in a game of roulette. The politician is the ball rolling across the fast spinning wheel and you hope and pray that it (the political favoritism after they get elected) lands on your lucky numbers. Good luck!
