Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"In The Beginning..."

...God created the mouth.

Oh, of course I know that the Bible says that, "In the beginning God created man." However, if he hadn't simultaneously created him with a mouth, Adam would not have been able to gape in awe at Eve or then eat that infamous apple. Hm. I wonder if Eve was the apple. Hm. Interesting. That's for another time, however.

Well, getting back to the mouth. I've been told that I have a big mouth. At other times I've been informed that I have "diarrhea of the mouth." Ergo the name of this blog site.

Although I didn't believe those accusers then. I certainly do now. Those responsible for my revelation of self's mouth may now shudder at the fact that I intend to take full advantage of God's gift to me. I've decided to come out of the closet and not only proclaim that I AM BIG MOUTHED AND OPINIONATED but also revel in God's created mouth's ability to express whatever I want in whatever way I choose - or what's a blog for. Maybe I'll even reform and God's gift to me will become God's gift tot he world. On the road to that lofty pinnacle, there may be some real setbacks, though. In fact, I can probably guarantee it. My perfection lies in my imperfections.  

So, now we both know what this blog is all about. I wasn't sure about that when I began the process, but I am now. I wonder what form my "explosive evacuations" will take and what reactions they will incite. Hm.


P.S. I'm a stickler for my own grammar, usage and punctuation. That doesn't mean that you have to be. You may enjoy being misunderstood.


  1. I have a "small" mouth, but a LOT to say! I'm excited to see you started a blog. I will definitely be looking forward to the new reading material.

  2. The mouth that God gave me has been the source of much enjoyment in my life, eating an apple, eating an Eve or still another apple on yet another Eve. However, having spent some of my formative time in the company of people such as yourself Lou, I too have learned to subtly humiliate, verbally annialate and even resusitate those around me.Words are fun, looking forward to enjoying this blog....Crank It Up!!!

  3. The irony, Sahar and Larry, is that since deciding to start this blog, I've been dry of ideas about which I feel passionately. Except, perhaps, the subject of passion. I believe that a life without passion is not worth living.

    It is the loving expression of passion that is important. The subject/object of it is what's important to the one who is passionate about it. Hopefully,we observers have our own passions that occupy our consciousness, or is it our unconsciousness.

    "Eating another apple on yet another Eve..." That doesn't sound at all like humiliation, verbal annialation or anything except poetic. Words are definitely fun and "pregnant with meaning." lol

    Ciao, Larry. Nice meeting you.

  4. If this is my Sahar, "Hi, Sahar. Love ya."
