Friday, September 16, 2011

Let The Rolling Begin


An article in the business section of the September 13, Palm Beach Post really got my goat. It’s subject reflected the penchant of some of our private citizens and elected officials alike to want to insure that the wealthy and businesses are treated to charity.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not against the wealthy and the super rich and businesses and making money, lots of it. In fact, when friends of mine used to refer to “them” as “those rich, f*^%@(g  B!+*&%#s” or another referred to their life style as “conspicuous consumption,” it always surprised me.  

As a further “in fact,” I admire their acumen for making lots of money. Free enterprise is what the United States of America is all about. I was always happy that the rich existed and companies made money.  That gave me hope that someday I/we might be able to achieve some of what they have achieved. I always considered the rich as incentives to the rest of us. It was good to know that there really were people who were free of money worries. It meant that achieving was possible and not just some fairytale that we were fed as children.  Real people worked hard and obtained success.

However, I believe that I’m changing my mind. Correction. I believe that they are changing my mind for me.  Statistics show that, proportionally, the rich pay less in taxes than most of the rest of us. Figures show that many very wealthy individuals and companies pay no taxes at all.

Companies say that they need tax breaks so that they can create jobs. Bush gave them the breaks. They created the jobs overseas, put their money into foreign banks and demanded more tax breaks if we wanted them to bring the money back into the country that allowed them to make it at the expense of our jobs and our economy in the first place!

What a pity. Greed has taken complete control of so many minds. Hearts have been replaced with adding machines. “Rah! Rah! Sis Boom Bah!...I, I, Me, Me…My team must win at all costs!” has become the new individual anthem replacing patriotism.

Investors don’t want profits. They want windfall profits on every single cent that they invest. Companies don’t want to make money. They want to beat their competition into the ground and then fleece the public with gougingly high costs or pitifully poor quality.

We can’t afford the good quality, American made products because our jobs went overseas. So we go for the cheap Chinese made products. With them “breaking in” means just “breaking,” requiring us to replace sooner than the ones we can’t afford. Hence, the Chinese ones, the cheap ones, end up costing almost as much, if not more than, American made products that are of better quality and last longer.

Now, the middle class is shrinking dramatically and the poor are becoming alarmingly poorer and more numerous. Sources of money for the support structure of America and the Industrial Military Complex, that President Eisenhower warned us about, are dwindling in direct proportion to the plight of the middle class and the poor. Some members of Congress are actually looking at ways to keep us solvent, viable and strong.

As such they are looking at our tax sources. The disparity between what the rich and businesses make and what they pay in support of our country has become increasingly visible. Hence, people are beginning to want that disparity lessened by a miniscule percentage for companies and the rich. Well, the privileged ones are screaming “Class Warfare…Discrimination…Unfair…We are sacrosanct! CLASS WARFARE!”

The middle class can’t be taxed anymore. The low income can’t be taxed anymore. Those who need assistance still need it. In fact, because those companies took their jobs overseas, there are many more poor who need assistance than there were before. Infra structure still needs to be maintained and upgraded. The Industrial Military Complex, that President Eisenhower warned us about, still keeps on growing larger and larger. We still need to find the money to invade countries that benefit those super rich and those big companies.

According to those rich and those big companies, no more should come from them even though they are not paying proportionally what the rest of us are paying. They claim that are special. They run or are companies that charge $2,000.00 for a toilet seat for that same “Industrial Military Complex” that President/General Eisenhower warned us about so long ago.

It is no wonder that those rich and big companies are the ones who are so hawkish when it comes to protecting the United States by financially ruining it. No person could undue the useless, baseless, money/morale/ confidence sapping debacle known as “Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rove’s governing of this country. Their invasion of Iraq has knocked us for a loop!  They’re probably still running Congress, and we’re still being knocked for loop after loop because of them.

$2,000.00 toilet seats and $300.00 “O Rings” make the people either making them for or selling them to the United States Government a killing. The fact that those making the killing don’t want to have to help share the burden for the maintenance of the United States of America is an atrocity!      

We can’t improve health care or extend unemployment or create jobs here in America anymore.  Our military toilet seats cost too much and there aren’t enough jobs. Those rich people and companies exported them. Those rich people need to keep enough of the money their big companies bring to them in order to buy $25,000,000.00 to $74,000,000.00 mansions in the luxury locations of the United States and the world. After all, they are privileged. They get our charity. More accurately, they demand our charity and call what we earn a handout.

They really are very selfish, greedy, and a severe threat to this country. The planes that hit the Twin Towers, killed 3000 people. These greedy hogs are affecting the quality of life of millions and millions of us. These people are citizen terrorists. They are destroying us for money, not even a higher power than that.

What’s even more amazing is that some of those who need help the most are supporting those clowns in dark suits and red ties who talk from the sides of their mouths like Al Capone did. Hm. What a startling resemblance, In Motive Too.

The last time there was such a disregard for all of the rest of society in favor of the luxurious life of the rich and richer, a very famous rich lady expressed their view so well. Her “Let them eat cake” went down in history! With that pronouncement heads began rolling.

Well, damn it, although we can’t have a literal head rolling, we can roll their heads figuratively. How dare they say that the money we get from Social Security is charity! They are the ones receiving the charity from us. They don’t pay any taxes or at least not as much proportionally as we pay!  We Social Security recipients paid for our retirement benefits for all of the years while we were working. Even some of the very wealthy, who paid into it, are able to collect it, and rightly so.

The rich don’t need health insurance, although they’d be fools not to have it, and they are not fools at all. The poor need it and can’t afford it. The big businesses have contributed to the disaster of our economy by exporting jobs. Unemployment soared. That means we have more poor people to care for. Those who don’t pay at least a proportionate share of taxes as others are not doing their duty as American Citizens! They are selfish, at the least, and Traitors, at the most.

So, let’s roll the heads of those who don’t think that the rich and companies should pay a greater portion of their fair share. Let’s vote them out of office. They cry, “Where’s the money gonna come from?” The rational voices say, “From everyone’s paying the same amount as everyone else, which hasn’t happened since Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rove changed the ratios and gave the rich and companies greater charity from our tax dollars.  

I say, “Let’s let some heads roll!” We need to clean house of all of those elitist politicians who care only about their rich friends and big companies. It is definitely time for a revolution. Damn! I wish Madame DeFarge were here. She knitted so well!