Thursday, July 28, 2011

What To Say When There's Nothing Much To Say


A couple of people have mentioned that they have visited my blog but found nothing new there. Well, my friends, that is because I have not been writing lately. Oh, I write every morning, as I have done for years. I also write E-mails and answers to E’s. I even write about my Kabbalah meditations. I just have not been moved to write for my blog.

I guess I need the inspiration of frustration or fear or annoyance or politics or  whatever it is that I have not had lately. I’ve received some “stimulating” E's and forwards about politics. However, whatever “they” have said or sent has not changed my mind about whom I favor and how I see how our government's being run or who's ruining it. I suspect that what I have said or forwarded to “them” has not changed their views either. So, why bother.

I could talk about my stubborn glaucoma or my stubborn glaucoma MD who insists on wanting to shove hardware in my eyes to control it, or the recently discovered mild swelling of my internal “man organ” that usually swells in most men who have been in their bodies for a certain length of time. (I don't use the "o" or "a" words.) Then, there are the physical aches and pains following my capoeira sessions or the psychic pains following my Kabbalah ones. Maybe I could talk about my many fears from financial to fantasmagorical.  I don’t think that anyone, especially me, really wants to hear about them. I don’t think so.

I did cut the back lawn the other day with my weed whacker. The machine died, so I had to finish by pulling out the remaining weeds. That should speak volumes about my lawn and my machine and my landscaping incentive. Thankfully, the external manifestation of my internal “man organ” still works well, except when excess bodily fluids try to pass through it. It's great in the middle of the night, when it works overtime, but none of that has any relationship to the lawn or weed whacker, so mentioning it here is inane. I like non-sequiturs, though and run-ons and run together ideas lately. They appear almost like the effects of our actions when the former manifest themselves so far removed in time from their causes that we forget that what we did back “then” caused what we are experiencing at the moment.

Oh, yes. I planted a banana tree in my back yard. I hope that I get bananas. I like them a lot. Maybe that will be the start of my turning my backyard into a tropical paradise. After all, I’ve only been in my house for eight years now and have always wanted a banana tree and a tropical paradise. So, I planted the banana tree as a the start after the eight years. Perhaps in another eight years I’ll plant something else.

I know what! I made a duck the other week. I made it the way I made my Christmas goose. I have to go through the process again, though. I forgot to dunk the damned thing in boiling water after brining it. Leslie and Charles liked it very much, none the less, and, after all, I did make it for them and as an excuse to clean my house because I had invited friends for dinner!

That’s what makes house cleaning such a challenge, you see. I have to wait until I invite people over for dinner. Then, I have the house to clean and the dinner to plan and make. It would be so much easier to did dinner without the cleaning, but then, no one  would want to come over for dinner, not even me. Hm. Perplexing.

Well, now, since I have nothing to write about, maybe I have the makings of a successful TV show like Sienfelds. He said his show was about nothing. Believe it or not, I never saw it. I just read that. I figured, if it was about nothing, I live that, so why would I want to watch someone’s nothing turned into a TV show making them millions when I worked my ass off and never made near a million. Maybe that’s sour grapes. Maybe it’s wisdom.

I’ve been watching a lot of HGTV again. I tried it after years of boycotting it. All of a sudden back a couple of years ago, someone in that show’s control group got the brilliant idea that a room or a porch or an attic or a basement or a yard should be called a “space.” That was so blanking pretentious that I wrote to everyone of their shows that I watched (I watched a lot of them, believe me.) and told them that I was done with them. Between that “space” pretentiousness and their “price point,” aka “price limit” or “asking price” or whatever other price,  pomposity, I was done with them!

Well, I gave them another try about a month ago. Lo and behold, they only used those pretentiousnesses a couple of times per show and they reserved them for the shoppers use. So now only the “property virgins” or the “house hunters international” or the “house hunters” or the people who had their basements and yards crashed use them. How refreshing. The show made them look like the pompous asses instead of making their realtors or contractors or designers look like that – as much as they used to anyway.

Well, maybe someday again I’ll have something to write about. I hope so. This writing about nothing is so ...